Dogs and Cats of Antigua, Inc is a registered non-profit working out of St.John’s, Antigua. We hope to create an Antigua where starving and diseased stray dogs and cats are no longer the norm. We hope to create communities with healthy animals that are loved and wanted and their population growth controlled. An island that is truly a paradise for all Gods’ creatures. A place where we are not embarrassed to be judged on the way we treat the smallest and most vulnerable beings among us. We are doing this one dog and one cat at a time, and for however long it takes.
Dogs & Cats of Antigua

Our Mission
Our mission is to create a network of likeminded individuals across the island to assist animals in distress and increase the welfare and protection of dogs and cats on the island, through feeding, veterinarian assistance, spay and neutering, fostering and rehoming.
We are also dedicated to educating proper animal care, stopping animal abuse, and promoting healthy and positive human and animal relationships to people of all ages and backgrounds

How to Help
There are many ways to assist our organization. Donations of your time, pet supplies and money can go a long way to saving and bettering the lives of dogs and cats from Antigua. Through volunteering, adoption, fostering, accompanying pets abroad, or sponsoring dogs, you can help us save lives and bring joy to new families all over the globe.
Find out what you can do to help!

About Us
We are dedicated to curbing the rampant stray dog and cat population of Antigua through local outreach, community events, with important partnerships on the island and abroad, and media attention across platforms.
Read testimonials from volunteers and adoptive pet parents, check out our calendar of events, keep up to date on our ongoing projects, and discover our valued partners.